> Just Simple Blog: Pioneers Sociology

February 6, 2009

Pioneers Sociology

From description above it is of course you also understand that moment that mark appearance of sociology study also marks appearance thinkers sosiologis. This They in the begining is science/knowledges expert other be next feel interested to assess social phenomenon that they see. Idea Growth sosiologis continues expand until to know red yarn ideas is referred [as] then figure- this sociology figure usually grouped in (1) sociology figures classic life in century 18th dam 19th, and (2) sociology figures present day (modern) life at 20th-century. However in this subdividing of sociology figures happens overlap, because [it is true] is not easy take coherent line hits this condition. At its growth idea [of] figures this in the reality occupies two periods referred [as].
Lewis Coser assumes Saint Simon, August Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Karl Marx, Pitirim Sorokin, Herbert Mead, and J.H. Cooley as [the] classic sociology figures. Meanwhile Doyle Paul Johnson places August Comte, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Simmel into classic sociology figures. Whereas Herbert Mead, Erving Goffman, George C. Homans, Thibaut and Kelly, Peter M. Blue, Talcot Parsons, Robert K. Merton, Mills, Ralf Dahrendorf, Lewis A. Coser, and Collins as [the] modern sociology figures.
Hereinafter L. Laeyendecker mentions that sociology figures classic is Saint Simon, August Comte, Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Karl Mannheim, J.H. Cooley, W.I. Thomas, and Herbert Mead. On the other hand Alex Inkeles has a notion that figure-classic sociology figure is August Comte, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber (Sunarto, 2000: 2).
So even also not easy conduct dissociation is referred , but at elementary its existed connective red yarn figure idea-figure is referred [as], that is where idea from modern sociology figures take root from classic idea of sociology figures or so-called as the founding fathers. For example idea life Marx at 19th-century inspire idea from Mills, Dahrendorf, Coser, and Collins. The other Example is that idea Homans and Blau show existence of influence from idea Bentham, or idea Durkheim influences idea from Parson and Merton.
But at our this description will not discuss on how idea is referred [as] each other influence influences, because this module only is a deliverer description for student S1. Broil idea is referred [as] enter under consideration about critical issues that can Anda studies at superordinate education strata. Discussion this will more present description of history [of] figures referred [as] and with its masterpiece result and idea kernel.


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