Kali ini saya akan share SK Tunjangan Fungsional 2013 Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Anda bisa download pada link di bawah
May 1, 2013
SK Tunjangan Fungsional Tahun 2013 Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Posted by formals at 21:25 0 comments
March 26, 2011
Resep Awet Muda
Here's a simple recipe ageless:
Sources of the Book Smart Senior Series, written by Iwan Gayo
Posted by formals at 22:58 2 comments
March 7, 2011
Know the N-219 Aircraft Designed By Indonesian Aerospace (PT. Dirgantara Indonesia)
Know the N-219 Aircraft Designed By Indonesian Aerospace (PT. Dirgantara Indonesia)
N-219 is a new generation aircraft, designed by Aerospace Indonesia with a true multi-multi-mission and purpose in remote areas. N-219 aircraft system technology combines the most modern and sophisticated with a tried and proven all metal aircraft construction. N-219 has the largest cabin volume in its class and flexible door system efficiency that will be used in a multi mission transport passengers and cargo. N-219 will conduct test flights in wind tunnel testing laboratory in March 2010. N219 new aircraft will be delivered to its first customers to be flown approximately three years or four years. N-219 is a development of NC-212.
Key Features:
* Multi Purpose, can be reconfigured
* 19 passengers, three parallel
* Mixed cargo passenger
* Performance STOL
* Low Operational Cost
* Maximum cruising speed: 213 KTS (395 km / h)
* Economical cruise speed: 190 KTS (352 km / h)
* Maximum ferry range: 1580 Nm
* Take-off distance (35 ft obstacle): 465 m, ISA, SL
* Landing distance (50 ft obstacle): 510 m, ISA, SL
* stall speed: 73 KTS
* Maximum takeoff weight: 7270 kg (16.000 lbs)
* Maximum payload: 2,500 kg (5511 lb)
* Rate of climb 2300 ft / min all engines operating
* Range: 600 Nm
Images & Schemes:
Posted by formals at 20:41 0 comments
December 12, 2010
Foto Atmosfer Bumi Dilihat Dari Luar Angkasa

Posted by formals at 18:52 0 comments
Memainkan Game PS1 di Komputer (PC) anda
Tak perlu banyak software untuk memainkan game PS 1 di komputer anda, cukup menggunakan emulator PS dan file iso game yang akan kita mainkan tentunya. Langsung saja, anda bisa download emulatornya disini:
Setelah di Download, ekstract file RAR nya.
setelah itu..ikutin cara seting emulator nya dibawah ini.
[ikutin aja gambar petunjuknya sampe selesai]
1. Klik shorcut emulator nya
2. Pilih menu Config => Wizard Guide
3.Setelah muncul tabel seperti gambar dibawah pilh "config>>"
4.Pilih "scph1001-USA (Recommended)" lalu Next>>
5.Pilih "P.E.Op.S. Soft Driver 1.18" lalu Next>>
6.Pilih "ePSXe SPU core 1.7.0." lalu Next>>
7.Pilih "ePSXe CDR WNT/W2K core 1.7.0." lalu Next>>
8.Jika mau pake joy stik/game pad seting di Controler1 dan Controler2
jika ingin tetap main pake keyboard PC langsung pilih Next>>
9.Setelah itu pilih "Done" dan setingan pun selesai..
Kalo sudah selesai seting diatas selanjutnya cara untuk menggunakan emulator nya pilih File => Run ISO
Maka akan tampil folder explore..
Setelah itu pilih partisi dimana kita nyimpen folder game nya
Jika game masih dalam bentuk RAR maka ekstract RAR nya terlebih dahulu
Lalu buka folder tersebut dan pilih file game nya [file biasanya dalam bentuk ISO/BIN/IMG/image] lalu pilih Open
Dan traaaa raaaaaaa....
Selamat Bermain game ria...
File ISO Game bisa diunduh disini:
1. Crash Team Racing [u] ISO (282MB)
2. Crash Bandicoot 2 - Cortex Strikes Back (E) (87MB)
3. Crash Bandicoot 3 - Warped (E) (90MB)
4. Harvest Moon - Back to Nature [u] (31MB)
5. Metal Slug X [u] (20MB)
6. WWF SmackDown! 2 - Know Your Role (E) (431MB)
7. World Soccer Winning Eleven 2002 (J) (247MB)
8. Final Fantasy VI (E) (121M)
Donlot final fantasy series (pilih sesuai selera)
9. Digimon World 3 [u] (427M)
10. Digimon World 1 (E) (148M)
11. Suikoden II (E) (232M)
12.Bishi Bashi Special (E) (120M)
13. Super Shot Soccer [NTSC-U] (215M)
14. Pepsiman The Running Hero (Jepang) (100M)
15. Ace Combat 2 [E] (311M)
16. Turismo 2 - Arcade Mode [NTSC-U] (393M)
17. Yu-Gi-Oh! - Forbidden Memories (E) (71M)
Jika masih kurang, bisa langsung ke sini http://www.emuparadise.org/Sony_Playstation_ISOs/Games-Starting-With-A/2
credit to wikobaddox
Posted by formals at 18:08 0 comments