After you understand whoever that as [the] pioneer study of sociology science/knowledge then following will be elaborated sociology figures classic that known as the founding fathers.
a. August Comte
August Comte (1798-1857) is philosopher that indigenous to French. August Comte frequently be conceived of elementary who put for science/knowledge sociology. Despitefully he also that introduce sociology name (sociology), at this new social study. One of contribution primary is idea about “law three ladders”. According to this view, as the same manner as that said by L. Layendecker, there is three ladders that will be passed by human history, that is 1) theology ladder, where at this ladder human tries explain symptom that happened in vinicity as a matter of have the character of adikodrati, 2) metaphysics ladder, ladder where human refer to metaphysics strength or abstract, and 3) positive ladder, ladder where nature symptom and social is explained base erudite law (Sunarto, 2000: 4). Referring to this view then he is recognized also as [the] figure positivisme.
In approach framework posistivisme Comte has a notion that sociology must has the character of erudite, where roof sosiolog must use systematic observation method, experiment, and analysis that have the character of histories comparability. Thus, if you as sosiolog assesment about network of Partai Demokrat social in general election 2004 then you must conduct perception for example to tightfitting and lobby-lobby from party member in kontinu. Hereinafter in phenomenon analysis that social network then you must turn arounds and compare to history kepartaian, general election history, history [of] figureses party, and also Partai Demokrat history it self. Referring to this condition you not can assess it in tunggal moment (certain time [only]), because phenomenon that will you catches possibility will not be valid. In from other side that Comte has a notion that sociology must same erudite its with natural sciences that is science/knowledge that much more first expand. He even also have a notion that sociology is ‘its queen’ science/knowledges social in hierarkhi science (in this case he dissociates sociology from social philosophy). Other Idea that also very recognized is idea about division society study into 1) static and 2) dinamic. Social static refer at social aspects that must in harmony with platform social and social stability, and conducive exists society in togetherness. The example is study about traditional party relation/link ‘Earth Alms’ with society trust to ancestor that will care of their life. Meanwhile social dinamik refers at aspect- aspect of social life that in line with social change and that form of institute growth patterns. The example is research about electrics influence enter countryside to force change citizen life countryside (Zanden, 1993: 9).
b. Herbert Spencer
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) it's sosiolog from UK. Spencer have an idea of a similar nature with August Comte about social static and social dinamik. He society analogy with organism biology. Despitefully he also sees society as a system, that is entire that formed by parts of that interaction. As the same manner as human organ that formed for example by heart and liver then society are also formed by institution, like family, religion, education, country, economy, and others. As the same manner as biology experts that see organism in its structure framework and functional contribution society structure in order to survive-its organism is referred [as], Spencer mendeskripsikan society also in its structure framework and functional contribution structure is referred [as] in frame of society survive-its. View this Spencer is now recognized as structural theory functional (Zanden, 1993: 9). Thus Spencer translate social static in order to analogy organic. On the other side, he less have an eye on to social dinamik. For example, in ceremony assesment “Gerebeg Mulud”, Spencer will see as medium to look after social solidarity and integration of society social jawa (specially towny Solo).
Other Idea that offered Spencer is evolution theory about history growth, that is progressive growth world to become better (Zanden, 1993: 10). Affected by approach way Darwinism about natural selection, Spencer applies concept of survival into world social, that is approach that diistilahkan as ‘Social Darwinism’.
In this case he had a notion that not ought to country too follows is in processed natural that goes on in society. That is then people that surviving is people that fit in with natural process are referred [as], incompatible temporary will die. In consequence,, then its creature and institution will try for in progressive adapt to environment in order to reach for historical growth level superordinate. The example is nations growth from third world country to become country industry. Become industrial country is considered as adaptation compulsion to global life demand.
c. Karl Marx
Karl Marx borns in Germany, but its nonage is more finished in political activities in London. Despitefully he also more known as philosopher, history, economy, and politics than expert sociology. He sees science/knowledge not merely as [the] prime motor for society understanding, but also as a means of for transformation effort society. Marx very have interest to change institution structure that have the character of capitalist and change it with new institution in order to human.
Marx has emerged an unique phenomenon in sociology study, either in the case of its applying of approach way or fact that some sosiologs have tried oppose its theory. Before 1960-an most experts from America assume Marx as ideolog (not academician) where that is barrier for him to conduct serious erudite jobs. However when young sosiolog America are given on to problem of civil rights and movement anti war in 1960s and early 1970s, they start give serious attention at ideas Marx. In the middle of two decade, sosiolog America has placed Marx at parallel place with roof giant of sociology thinker.
Marx tries find elementary principles from history. He focus its study at economy environment where society expand, especially technology factor and method of production management, (like hunt and gather, agriculture, or industry). At each history step, factors is referred [as] represent group that of society domination and group that is subordinate. According to Marx basically society are divided to the 1) those in have production factors and 2) those in not have factor-factors of production, where between they will emerge conflict or class oposition (Zanden, 1993: 10). According to him entire history human in construction by oposition between this class, where own tries to be able to stay. Some examples about oposition class that try he says, for example at roman society Ancient, conflict happens between patrician and pebleians and between sir and slave. Later at oposition Middle Ages referred [as] happened between guildmasters and journeymen and between landlord and serfs. Hereinafter at west society contemporary then class oposition happens between capitalist class or bourgeois and working class or proletarian. This They, that is patrician, sir, guildmaster, landlord, and its bourgeois of wealth manure pass by their ownership to conducive production tool they its labour exploitation. Meanwhile on the other hand pebleians, slave, journeymen, serfs and proletarian not have anything except energy, and because they life in bases on job provided by capitalist, then they must sell its energy this in order to keep eksis. You it is of course still remember with jargon that used [by] PKI (Party Communist Indonesia) at their socialization activity to society
by carry oposition idea between farmworker class and owner capital. Tied to someone's apron string Marx by George Hegel (philosopher Germany), especially idea Hegel about ‘dialektika’ (Zanden, 1993: 10). Dialektika relate to other idea so-called ‘thesis’, that is a matter of had meaning only when that thing relate to its opposition (idea its contradiction) so-called ‘antithesis’. Interaction between two ideas referred [as] new idea form so-called ‘sintesis’. Process this dialektika provide method to interpret history. Despitefully this dialektika shows that this world not static structure but a dynamic process (the world of becoming rather than
Referring to this dialektika, Hegel apply it in tataran idea, while Marx mengadaptasi approach is referred [as] in order to social relation assesment in the world of significant. In perpective this Marx are called ‘dialektika materialism’, that is idea that state that growth depend on class oposition and structure forming new superordinate and secretory from class referred [as]. Marx more puts enthusiasm at study about social staff relation that in character real, like conflict between class than idea highly abstract Hegelian, likethesis-antithesis-sinthesis. In the eyes of Marx about history, that society are pushed to move from one history step to step next history, like slavery era (slavery) that replaced by feudalism, feudalism that replaced by capitalism, capitalism that will be replaced by socialism, and finally [go] to at step last, that is communism. Contemporary Commutation is triggered by existence of economic growth that refer to efficiency maksimun for whereas and internal contradiction on the other side.
d. Emile Durkheim
Emile Durkheim (1858-1916) it's sosiolog french. Differ from Marx that emphasize at class conflict, then Durkheim more emphasize at how society can stay in its togetherness and go along way. He criticism Marx with its opinion that Marx overemphasized at economic advantage and class oposition, temporary on the other side Marx not reckons social solidarity. Main Idea Durkheim is that social integration necessary for platform arrangement social that addressed at individu bliss (Zanden, 1993: 12).
That is him/hers have a notion that damage of social bonding have negative consequence where condition is referred [as] can push individual for conduct suicide. Refer to social solidarity, he differentiates two solidarity types, that is mechanical solidarity at simple society and organic solidarity at modern society. Base its solidarity type, society simple have features 1) its social structure has the character of relative simple, 2) not too existed division of labor, 3) what can conducted by a society member also can be conducted by the other member, 4) not existed interdependence between different group because each group can fulfill its need by it self and disjointed one another, and 5) solidarity based to the trust and camaraderie or collective conscience.
Meanwhile on the other hand, modern society have features 1) have complicated social structure, 2) existence of division of labor that very mean, 3) society member have duties (job-
job) that terspesialisasi, 4) existence of big interdependence between group because each society member [shall] no longger can fulfill all needs its by it self, and 5) its solidarity is based to the law and mind (Sunarto, 2000: 5). Referring to its opinion about social solidarity then Durkheim has a notion that sociology ought to assesses about fact social, that is aspect from social life that can not be explained in characteristic framework biologis and also mental (psychological) from individual (Zanden, 1993: 13). Fact is referred [as] way comprising acts, think and feel, both for have the character of standard or not, that control individual. Fact is referred [as] can conduct enforcing (from outside) to individual and if individual impinges then will be sanctioned. For this social fact, he give an example for example law, moral, trust, mores, family life, dressy procedures, and economy rule. For example marriage rule endogami at one particular society will force individual of society member is referred [as] to look for wife or husband from themselves group. If they impinge this rule then they will be released from its membership of society group. In order to explain social fact, he assesment about suicide. According to him suiciding is social fact, that is product from target, expectation, and social arrangement that expand from interaction result one with the other (Zanden, 1993: 13). That is in this case suicide explained pass by social factors, and he concludes that difference [of] the average of suicide among many group society is is consequence from variation in solidarity its social. Individual which was in society group that have strong social bonding have suicide level that low compared to individual that it is at society group with weak social bonding. Referring to suicide phenomenon here you are mengidentifikasi that suicide number at christians more high than roman people, suicide number at society go forward more high than simple society, and others.
e. Max Weber
Weber (1864-1920) it's sosiolog that have major effect in sociology study, beside Marx. Matter that mark influence level of is contribution teoritiknya and specific ideas its and broadness topic that the assess of, for example politics, bureaucracy, social stratification, law, religi, capitalism, music, city, and comparison cross cultural. Weber have an ideas that in order to behaviour assesment human, sosiolog must assesses ‘meaning’ found on interaction one with the other. That is then sosiolog must study target, value, trust, and attitude that constitute mannerism saleable someone (Zanden, 1993: 14). In other word sosiolog conducts study by using method verstehen, that is by comprehend meaning that constitute someone behaviour. In this case sosiolog must try place he at others (subyek that the assess of) and mengidentifikasi what they think and how they feel. The example if you as a sosiolog assesment of campaign follower behaviour political party at general election 2004, then you must look fors meaning why campaigner is referred [as] not only become participant one just party but participant from some parties.
To explain it then you must studies for example his/her target follow campaign, campaign value and party value according to him until you can catch meaning from attendance in campaign activity. Contribution other Weber is its idea about concept ‘ideal type’ (ideal type). Ideal Type is concept that formed by sosiolog for depict main characteristic from a phenomenon. This ideal Type is tool that help sosiolog to conduct generalizing and data moderation by disregard small differences to get big equality accurate. Other Idea that he offering is the importance ‘free sociology value’. According to him sosiolog also have personal diffraction, where personal this diffraction is may not followed when sosiolog penelitain until he can see social phenomenon as it is, not social phenomenon as the same manner as that wish the of. The example when you is examining about worker activity commercial seks (PSK) then you must express phenomenon is referred [as] what existence of in accordance with angle;corner approach [of] perpetrators its. In this case you may not enters angle;corner approach you, for example assessment you to PSK referred.